Tips for Spaying and Neutering Your Pets

Yay! There’s a new puppy or kitten at your house! Maybe multiple puppies or kittens are squirming about in your home. Unless you are a responsible breeder, these youngsters will need to be spayed or neutered soon enough, but when?
What Is the Right Age for Spaying and Neutering Pets?
Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures that should be performed before your pets are five months old. There are exceptions to this standard, so ask your veterinarian for a recommendation on your first wellness visit with your new pet.
Is It True That Spaying and Neutering Can Cause Cancer in My Pet?
A few studies at UC Davis suggested that neutering of some large breed male dogs could put them at risk for specific health issues. Ask your veterinarian about these risks if your male breed puppy is in this category. Often times, there are far more significant health risks for your new pet if they do not get spayed or neutered.
Why Should I Have My Pet Spayed or Neutered?
We know that male cats, in particular, like to spray stinky urine to mark their territory. Their territory may be in the house! If they are altered before they’re old enough to strike, most of the behavior should be curtailed. Other behaviors that may be corrected from spaying and neutering include:
- Excessive barking
- Fighting
- Mounting
- Roaming
Fluffy’s core personality will not change, but once altered, life with your pet may be easier!
What Do I Need To Know About the Surgical Procedure?
Your pet will receive a thorough wellness exam, including appropriate bloodwork, before being approved for veterinary surgery. During the procedure, your pet will be monitored closely while under general anesthesia. In recovery, monitoring continues until they’re ready to go home.
When you collect your pet after surgery, your veterinarian will provide pain medications as needed and the instructions you’ll need for after-surgery care.
This Simple Procedure Can Extend the Life of Your Pet
One of the greatest benefits of spaying and neutering is the increase in life expectancy for your pet. Unless you let your family pets run free where they can get into all sorts of trouble, you should expect a much longer life span for your altered dogs and cats.
We never have enough time with the pets we love so much. Spaying and neutering can add precious years to our lives together.
Can Older Animals Benefit From Spaying or Neutering?
You’ve adopted an unaltered older dog from your local animal shelter. You cannot have the dog without a promise to have it neutered. Sometimes an older parent passes on and leaves a trusted unaltered older pet in need of a new home. There are many reasons for how it is that we bring older animals into our care.
They need the same amount of love, that’s easy, but they may also have health issues that concern your veterinarian. If these older pets are unaltered, they can still benefit from spaying and neutering, not just for reproductive reasons. These procedures can help to minimize the risk of developing future diseases and some cancers.
We’re Here to Answer Your Questions
Please call us at Market Place Veterinary Hospital, (916) 939‑1705 with any questions you may have about these procedures. Remember to schedule a wellness visit when you bring a new furry family member into the household.