Posts Tagged: Marketplace Veterinary Hospital
Veterinary Appointments: Choose Courtesy & Cancel Over No-Show

At MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital, we want to help all our furry patients stay healthy and happy for their lifetimes. Our world has changed, and that change has affected most aspects of our daily lives, including our schedules. Veterinarians across the country are experiencing increased appointment requests, which makes it more difficult to get an appointment when you need one.
We know that sometimes you get in a hurry, or your plans change, and you forget to cancel your veterinary appointment. All of our pet patients would like to remind you that maybe they could use that unclaimed appointment, which is why it is so important to let us know if you cannot make it to a scheduled appointment time.
Continue…Snake Safety and Your Pets: What You Need To Know

You’ve veered from the hiking trail. There’s no one around, so you let them off the leash. There may not be any people around, but there could be poisonous snakes ready to strike and bite your pet. You hear your excited dog rushing through the brush and then you hear a yelp. Has your pet been bitten by a venomous snake? Our veterinary staff is here to help!
Which Snakes Are Venomous Snakes?
Continue…Snake Safety Tips for Pets

Your pets can easily encounter snakes when they’re out for a walk or in tall grass or brush or around rock piles, especially in Northern California. Most of us cannot distinguish a venomous snake from a harmless one, which means we need to be extra vigilant about snake safety for our pets. The veterinarians at MarkePlace Veterinary Hospital are here to help you learn a little more about how to keep your pets safe outdoors this season.
Continue…Summer Pet Safety: Keeping Your Pets Cool in Summer Heat

With average temperatures ranging from the high 70s to the high 80s, many people might not realize that even a Northern California summer can quickly become too hot for an animal. It’s dry and dusty outside, which exacerbates the problem. Before you spend all your time outside with your furry friend, MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital wants you to consider these summer pet safety tips: