Presenting Your Cat Health Checklist

Cat visiting a local vet.

Who knows better how to promote the best in pet health than your local vet? When it comes to veterinary medicine advice, cat owners in El Dorado County turn to MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital. Learn our best in cat health tips and keep your kitty purring!

Why Cat Health?


How Often Does My Cat Really Need to See the Vet?

A father and son snuggle with their grey cat.

Your cuddly calico certainly seems to have her act together; after all, she bathes herself, takes care of her own bathroom habits, and sleeps for 16 hours a day. She looks happy and healthy and gets plenty of TLC. What more could she need? The truth is, even the most self-sufficient and well-cared-for cats need regular vet visits to ensure a lifetime of optimal health. 


Your Guide to an At-Home Cat Health Assessment

A happy cat sleeping on the bed.

Cats certainly have a bit of mystery about them and are notoriously difficult to understand. MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital knows, though, that when you really start to pay attention, there are definitely ways to tell how your cat is doing. Taking a periodic at-home cat health assessment is an easy way to make sure your cat is happy and healthy.
