Pet Wellness Through the Lens of Prevention

It used to be that animals received veterinary care only when sick or injured. Perhaps unsurprisingly, pet mortality rates were much higher than they are today. Modern pet ownership hinges on staying in front of health problems related to age, breed, and lifestyle. Routine pet wellness exams coupled with preventive practices are extremely effective at keeping animals safe, healthy, and happy for many years. MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital wants to help build a strong foundation for your best friend so they can live with you for as long as possible.
A Long Arc
Puppies and kittens are ideally examined by eight weeks of age. Several follow-up visits are necessary to ensure they land on the right developmental path. A major component of these exams is establishing the essential protocols for preventing disease. Deworming, vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and parasite prevention practices set the pace for the coming years. It also never hurts to microchip your pet early on to prevent loss or separation.
Check out our Pet Wellness Plans for more information on establishing and maintaining lifelong health.
Contagious Disease
Young pets need to be inoculated from various diseases. Young pets lack strong immunity against health threats, so it is critical to protect them. Boosters are beneficial throughout adulthood.
All pets over four months of age are required by law to receive the rabies vaccine.
Core and non-core vaccines not only protect your pet from potentially contracting and spreading disease, but eliminate the high cost of treating a life-threatening illness.
No More Bugs
Fleas, ticks and mosquitoes are truly awful bloodsuckers. Luckily, by adhering to a strict year-round schedule, you can prevent flea infestations, tick-borne illness, such as Lyme disease, and heartworm disease. Since the problems associated with these parasites can be extremely serious (and possibly fatal, as evidenced by some cases of heartworm in cats), it simply makes sense to commit to regular parasite prevention protocols.
Diet and Nutrition
Perhaps one of the biggest facets of preventative medicine is your pet’s diet. They depend on age-appropriate food, but even more important is portion control. Maintaining a healthy weight is critical to preventing illnesses like diabetes and arthritis.
Optimal pet wellness includes daily mental and physical fitness opportunities. This keeps them trim and sharp for life and can prevent many health problems.
Dental Health
One of the greatest ways to support overall pet wellness is to keep their mouth healthy. Periodontal (gum) disease is linked to systemic illness, such as lung, kidney, and heart disease, but it’s entirely preventable. With regular professional cleanings and x-rays (under anesthesia) and consistent tooth brushing at home, the periodontal disease won’t get a foothold.
Pet Wellness For Life
As pets age, they become vulnerable to all sorts of conditions. A consistent, proactive strategy can thwart the development of age-related illnesses.
Early intervention is a huge part of this strategy. Senior pet wellness exams are scheduled every six months to allow us greater access and insight into any possible concerns. Diagnostics, such as blood work, imaging, and heartworm testing can provide the opportunity for prompt and effective treatment.
Always Here for Your Pet
Our veterinarians are here to help you connect all the dots for last pet wellness. Please give us a call at (916) 939‑1705 with any questions or concerns.