Exploring the Impact of Socialization on Pet Happiness

dogs playing with toy.

Pet socialization is an important part of calling a four-legged friend yours. Just as people develop social skills throughout life, social skills are important for pets, too. Especially the canine friends among us. Cats can be surprisingly social creatures, too—in the right circumstances. 

Here at MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital, we want to help you with every aspect of owning a pet. That includes helping your pawsome pal develop pet social skills. 


New Year, New Leash on Life: Overcoming Pet Behavioral Challenges

Young woman bonding with her cat.

Ring in the New Year, and suddenly, everyone’s talking about resolutions. Our furry friends shouldn’t be left out—although pet behavioral challenges can be a handful. At MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital, we’re passionate about helping pets and their owners find that perfect harmony. Let’s talk about making this year the best one yet for our four-legged companions.


Repetition, Consistency, and Puppy Potty Training

Girl potty training puppy.

Meeting the needs of a growing puppy can be a full-time job. While their needs are so great and abundant, the rewards are immensely satisfying and far-reaching and you will not regret the effort you put in.

When it comes to puppy potty training, mistakes, missteps, accidents, and exasperation are par for the course. The keys to your success? Love, patience, and respect will get you started, but effective methods hinge on consistency and repetition. 


Your Guide to an At-Home Cat Health Assessment

A happy cat sleeping on the bed.

Cats certainly have a bit of mystery about them and are notoriously difficult to understand. MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital knows, though, that when you really start to pay attention, there are definitely ways to tell how your cat is doing. Taking a periodic at-home cat health assessment is an easy way to make sure your cat is happy and healthy.


Compulsive Licking, Biting, and Scratching in Dogs

A dog licking his paw.

Scratching the occasional itch behind his ears or vigorously licking his chops at dinnertime is perfectly normal dog behavior for your canine companion. But if he starts to incessantly scratch, lick, or even bite part of his body, it’s time to schedule a checkup


The Right Skills to Make Dog Walking Easy and Fun

Dog walking.

What could be better than going for a walk with your dog? Exercising together is the best way to get to know one another and begin to bond. And while it might seem counter-intuitive, not every dog comes equipped with the skills to walk on-leash. Some pull or yank, others drift, dawdle, or fall behind. Whatever the case may be for your newly adopted dog, it’s worth the time and energy to train them to embrace their leash, keep step with you, and not bolt after every squirrel they see. These dog walking tips are just for you.


When Pet Zoomies Take Over, Take Cover

A dog releasing pent up energy with a burst of the zoomies.

They might seem completely random and mysterious (if not inconvenient), but pet zoomies are perfectly appropriate. Humans have their own spontaneous responses to energy that include compulsive cleaning, impulse shopping, or even exercise. As for the cats and dogs we share our homes and lives with, they could be going about their business only to seemingly freak out, run around in circles, tear up the throw rugs, and zip up and down the hallway. What is really behind pet zoomies, and how should we react to them? The team at MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital is here to explain the phenomenon of pet zoomies and how to respond to them. 


What’s the Cause of Anxiety in Pets?

Anxiety in pets: an anxious dog hides behind a curtain.

At first glance it may seem that there is little for your pet to be worried about. They have a warm, safe home, a steady source of food, and a person that loves them very much. Anxiety in pets is a very real phenomenon, though, and MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital wants you to know how to recognize this and help your pet.


Loud Noises? How to Calm Your Pet’s Anxiety

El Dorado Hills pet with anxiety

They try to hide in your shirt, and you don’t know why they’re so clingy. Wait for it: yep, here comes a thunderstorm.

Younger dogs are generally not affected by the sounds of a storm. As pets age, they may learn to expect scary loud cracks and rumbles from lightning strikes. When they hear thunder or see flashes of light from lightning or fireworks, the anticipation of what’s to come can set up an anxiety response.

You are the safety captain for animals in your house. They look to you when they’re scared. If you jump, they’ll jump. Sometimes you just can’t help but react to loud noises, and neither can they. Understand that the fear is real and learn how to help calm your pet’s anxiety.
