Posts in Category: MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital News
Smelly Paws? The Truth About Canine “Frito Feet”

Dogs have their fair share of quirks. Most of the time, these little peculiarities add layers to an owner’s amusement and appreciation. Regarding things out of their control, such as smelly paws, we can choose to accept these characteristics or figure out creative ways to deal with them. The good news is that the corn chip odor coming from their paws is not causing any pain or long-term harm. This means that owners are simply left with the mystery of why their dog’s feet smell like Fritos and what they can do to reduce the funky odor.
Continue…How to Make Your Own Pet First-Aid Kit

Your pet is a member of your family. You love your pets, care for them, and want to keep them safe. But what happens if they get injured or sick? In some cases, you may not be able to get your dog or cat to the vet right away, so it’s essential to have a basic pet first-aid kit on hand.
For your pet’s safety in the event of an emergency, the American Red Cross recommends keeping a pet first-aid kit stocked and ready, but that doesn’t mean you need to buy one from an expensive store or specialist retailer. Here’s how you can make your own:
Continue…Five Common Signs of Pet Illness

You know your pet better than anyone, and yet they still probably surprise you. Just when you think you’ve got them pegged, they do something (or opt-out of the expected behavior) that makes you wonder if all is well. When it comes to assessing how they feel physically, it can be anyone’s guess. Because they are hardwired for self-preservation at all costs, the animals we share our lives with could be suffering needlessly. That’s why it’s imperative to know and be able to recognize the five common signs of pet illness never to ignore or dismiss.
Continue…It’s a Good Thing You’re Cute: Our Dog Training Guide

Your neighbor’s well-behaved Weimaraner has set the bar high: he’s calm, obedient, and walks in perfect lockstep with his owner. Meanwhile, your high-energy Labrador barks at insects, leaps at everyone he meets, and drags you down the sidewalk like you’re his living, breathing pull-toy. We can help!
Continue…Veterinary Appointments: Choose Courtesy & Cancel Over No-Show

At MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital, we want to help all our furry patients stay healthy and happy for their lifetimes. Our world has changed, and that change has affected most aspects of our daily lives, including our schedules. Veterinarians across the country are experiencing increased appointment requests, which makes it more difficult to get an appointment when you need one.
We know that sometimes you get in a hurry, or your plans change, and you forget to cancel your veterinary appointment. All of our pet patients would like to remind you that maybe they could use that unclaimed appointment, which is why it is so important to let us know if you cannot make it to a scheduled appointment time.