Posts in Category: The Cat’s Meow
Common Cat Illnesses and Treatments

Cats are naturally quiet pets. With their slinky physicality, retractable claws, and stealth, their location and agenda is not always known. Consequently, when a cat self-isolates because they’re hurt or ill, their symptoms may not be immediately recognizable. Knowing the most common cat illnesses can save a lot of time (and money), and may even impact treatment and prognosis.
Continue…You and Your Newly Adopted Kitten

Congratulations on your decision to bring a new kitten into your life! You’re in for an exciting and rewarding experience, but there are a few things you need to know before you bring your furry friend home—especially if this is your first time owning a kitten. Here are some tips to help you prepare.
Continue…Everything You Need to Know About Heartworm

April is Heartworm Awareness Month. Maybe—hopefully—you already give your dog or cat their heartworm prevention medication regularly. But we believe it’s important to learn what heartworm disease is and why this preventive medicine is critical to your pet’s health.
Continue…Safe Alternatives to Cat Declawing

Dozens of countries around the world have banned cat declawing, but only the American states of New York and Maryland have legally outlawed this controversial surgical procedure. That doesn’t mean there aren’t numerous national organizations working to raise awareness of the painful effect this practice has on our feline companions. While once widely regarded as a safe and humane procedure, few feline practitioners recommend cat declawing today.
Continue…Pet Vaccines: What You Need to Know

Most pet parents know that their dog or cat needs shots of some type, but few really understand what that means. Do you know what dog vaccines or cat vaccines your pet is due for and why they are important? MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital is here to break down for you.
Continue…Cat Wellness Exams for the Win!

We get it. Cats typically detest their travel crate and show white-hot rage/abject fear when placed in a car for travel. This means it’s pretty darn difficult to bring them into the vet. To complicate things, they’re famous for concealing any signs of illness or injury. So hidden are their potential symptoms, that long periods of time can go by without medical diagnosis or treatment.
Continue…Make Your Own Pill Pockets

Getting pets to take pills is no picnic—with cats probably outranking canines when it comes to level of difficulty. Pill pockets can help the medicine go down, but eventually, your pet might get wise to what you’re doing, and you’ll have to pivot your strategy. If that happens, try making your own pill pockets! It’s fun; you’ll save money; and you can occasionally switch-up the flavor and texture to keep your pet interested in eating this special “treat.”
Thanks to Pinterest and other social media sites, there are plenty of recipes for DIY pill pockets to choose from. Most recipes simply call for mixing a moist ingredient (like almond butter) with a thickening agent (like flour), and molding it into tiny morsels, making a cavity with a straw, and chilling (or sometimes baking depending upon the ingredients) until firm.
Check out the tasty suggestions for DIY pill pockets for cats and pill pockets for dogs from our team at Marketplace Veterinary Hospital.
Continue…Presenting Your Cat Health Checklist

Who knows better how to promote the best in pet health than your local vet? When it comes to veterinary medicine advice, cat owners in El Dorado County turn to MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital. Learn our best in cat health tips and keep your kitty purring!
Why Cat Health?
Continue…Busting Up the Top 10 Most Notorious Pet Myths

People are susceptible to believing things they hear or read. Pet ownership and care are among other topics that flourish online and in person. Unfortunately, the prevalence of pet myths can lead pet owners and animal lovers astray. Together, we can dispel 10 fallacies and offer our pets the best care possible.
Pet Myths About Dogs
Continue…How Often Does My Cat Really Need to See the Vet?

Your cuddly calico certainly seems to have her act together; after all, she bathes herself, takes care of her own bathroom habits, and sleeps for 16 hours a day. She looks happy and healthy and gets plenty of TLC. What more could she need? The truth is, even the most self-sufficient and well-cared-for cats need regular vet visits to ensure a lifetime of optimal health.