Common Pet Poisons in the Home

March is National Pet Poison Prevention Month, and to help raise awareness of common pet toxins, our team at MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital has compiled a list of the most common pet poisons found in the home.
Over-the-Counter Medications (OTC)
According to the ASPCA, the household toxin responsible for the highest number of calls to veterinarians and Animal Poison Control are OTC medications found in almost every household, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, vitamins and supplements, cold and flu medicines, and joint rubs.
Human Foods and Beverages
At the number two spot are people foods and drinks. Protein bars and drinks, candy and gum containing xylitol, grapes, raisins, garlic, and onions are the most commonly ingested toxic foods for pets. Other highly toxic foods for pets include macadamia nuts, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, yeast dough, and avocado.
Human Prescription Drugs
Ranking third when it comes to toxins that pets most frequently encounter are prescription medications made for people. Heart medications, ADHD medications, and inhalers are the most common culprits in this category.
Chocolate makes up 13% of reported toxin exposures, putting it fourth among the top five common pet toxins. Most of these incidents involve dogs, as our feline friends don’t tend to have a penchant for sweet treats.
Veterinary Products
The popularity boom in tasty pet chewables that treat everything from anxiety to joint discomfort to cognitive decline has led to an unintended increase in calls to veterinarians and the ASPCA’s Pet Poison Control Hotline.
Other Household Dangers for Pets
Other common pet toxins to keep out of reach of inquisitive pets include:
- Toxic indoor and outdoor plants
- Silica gel packets (used to absorb moisture in a variety of products)
- Batteries
- Rodenticides and insecticides
- Recreational drugs, including psychedelic mushrooms and marijuana
- Antifreeze
- Cleaning products
- Essential oils
Pet Poison Prevention Strategies
Practice these pet safety tips to help protect your pets from toxic substances:
- Be aware that household dangers for pets can lurk in unexpected places such as bookbags, purses, and coat pockets.
- Keep bottles and other containers sealed and stored in cabinets.
- Never medicate your pet using a product intended for people.
- Don’t share food scraps unless you’re certain it’s safe for pets, and remind houseguests of this rule.
- Keep a lid on your kitchen trash can.
- Don’t leave food sitting out on counters or tables unattended.
- Immediately clean up spills and messes.
- If you suspect your pet has ingested something toxic, contact us or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 immediately for further instructions.
Need More Pet Poison Prevention Tips?
Please contact us at (916) 939-1705 if you have more questions about common pet poisons or toxins or if it’s time for your pet’s wellness visit.